Centaur Scanning Probe Microspectrometer 

   Scanning Probe Microscope
   Raman Confocal Microscope
   Laser Confocal Microscope
   Fluorescence Confocal Microscope
Simultaneous study of composition and structure for
   organic and inorganic sample
   surface and subsurface structures
   tissues, cells, biological molecules and interactions
   Semiconductors, Polymers, Coatings
   nano-mateials, pharmaceuticals, geological objects
   minerals and art... etc.
SPM resolution
   XY: <1nm
   Z: <0.1nm
Spectral resolution: <1nm

Certus Light Scanning Probe Microscope 

Support AFM, Shear force AFM, STM
Capable of installation on optical microscope
SPM resolution
   XY: <1nm
   Z: <0.1nm
XYZ range: 100X100X15 um

Certus Optics SPM/Optical Microscopes 

Support AFM, Shear force AFM, STM
Upright or Inverted optical microscope
SPM resolution
   XY: <1nm
   Z: <0.1nm
XYZ range: 100X100X15 um

Certus Standard SPM/Video Microscope 

Support AFM, Shear force AFM, STM
USB video microscope
Fiber Illuminator
SPM resolution
   XY: <1nm
   Z: <0.1nm
XYZ range: 100X100X15 um

Certus NSOM - Near-Field Scanning Optical Microscope 

Certus NSOM - is a Scanning Probe Microscope (SPM), equipped with
special probe holder and optical equipment to conduct studies using
near-field effects.
Near-field optical microscopy is based on the properties of near (evanescent)
field, which allows to overcom a diffraction limit of classical optical

Snotra - Scanning Probe Microscope + Cryo-Ultramicrotome 

Snotra - unique research systems combining SPM and cryoultramicrotome.
This system has no analogs and is intended for study and reconstruction
of 2D- and 3D –morphology and properties of polymer and biological
materials and colloidal systems (nanoliquids) just after ultrathin section
at low temperatures. This technique allows to obtain qualitatively new
information on the physical and structural properties of biological and
polymeric materials at the level of individual macromolecular components
and study of three-dimensional nanostructures in the bulk materials.

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